The project was developed for the exhibition “A Lua busca la sombra” (“The Moon Seeks the Shadow”), a collaboration between artists Juan Araujo and Mauro Restiffe. According to art critic and Artistic Director of the Luisa Strina gallery, Tiago Mesquita, the exhibition is “a game of doubles.” He also states that by bringing together photographs and paintings, displayed in specific ways, the artists make one object resonate with another, and another, and another, like in a house of mirrors where one reflection distorts the next until no memory remains of where that final image came from.

The exhibition design concept is based on this premise and brings the same meta-linguistic relationship into the arrangement of the space. Support devices were developed for the artworks in dialogue with the content addressed in the photographs and paintings themselves. This “game of doubles” permeates the exhibition design of the two rooms, which occupy a total of 200m², with 140m² in the first space and 60m² in the second.

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Project name:  exposição A Lua busca la sombra


team:  Gustavo Cedroni, Martin Corullon, Stella Bloise e Costanza Leoni

type: expografia

date of project: 2022

Scenotechnics: Artos Cenotécnica

Frames: Léo Padilha / 12 Polegadas