Metro Barroquinha 227 V1 ilana bessler


The urbanization project for the Glauber Rocha Cinema Square and the Barroquinha Slope took into account, among other aspects, the importance of the built historical heritage and the reconciliation of the various existing and desired uses for this significant connection axis in the Historical Center of Bahia’s capital.

Due to its elevated position in relation to the surrounding area, the Square had a natural vocation to become a viewpoint, both for the Barroquinha Church and for the Bay of All Saints. On the Slope, there were two types of public: those leaving the bus terminal heading towards the Historical Center who want to proceed directly, and those who wish to leisurely browse the artisanal leather shops.


Metro Barroquinha 570 ilana bessler

211 DV DA 025


The design of this grand staircase is, therefore, the result of organizing its uses; a comfortable, continuous staircase that allows for a quick walk, while unfolding into a sequence of plateaus that suggest a slower pace.

The materials chosen are the same ones found throughout the Historical Center, namely Portuguese stone for the flooring and solid granite for the thresholds. The granite, largely cut in curved shapes, was all laser-cut—a way of showcasing the project’s contemporary time through the technique applied to a material from the past.



211 DV DA 003





Metro Barroquinha 096 ilana bessler

Metro Barroquinha 099 ilana bessler


146 10 PE ARQ 200 R00




Metro Barroquinha 142 ilana bessler

Metro Barroquinha 210 ilana bessler



Technical Information

Date of project: novembro de 2013
Client: Banco itaú / Prefeitura Municipal de Salvador
Architectural Project : Gustavo Cedroni, Martin Corullon.
Colaborator: Marcelo Macedo, Miki Itabashi, Rafael de Sousa,Isadora Marchi, Luiz Tavares, Flavio Bragaia.
Constructed area: 2 440,00 m²
Lighting design: Ricardo Heder.
Landscape design: Ricardo Vianna.
Instalations: P.K.M. e Usina de Projetos
Photos: Ilana Bessler